Welcome! If you clicked on this post, it’s a sign that you’re ready for my confession of faith. ;)
We live in very interesting times, where negativity flows like streams in the news, on popular TV media channels, and also online. We are provoked by sensational headlines, something we’re even taught in schools – to do this to grab the audience's attention. These negative clickbaits draw us in like gossip that we’re eager to hear because it fascinates us. But the question is – for what? For the truth? Are you sure? Is what you’re reading 100% true? No, there’s no guarantee. Even the best scholars have been wrong, just as you might be.
But has negativity ever come from good? Has it ever aimed to do anything other than highlight evil? If so, then we should choose positive content every day, not negative. God despised those who spread evil through gossip because it spread on a large scale. We want to choose good, not evil, because good always grows and builds, while evil only brings chaos and disorder.
Gossip is born in silence, between our words – in what we say about others behind their backs, but don’t have the courage to say to their faces. Just as fire spreads when fueled, so does conflict grow through words left unspoken.
When we talk about others out of frustration or pain, it might bring temporary relief. But if we can’t say the same words to their face, we’re likely engaging in gossip – the kind that doesn’t heal wounds but spreads division and fosters resentment. Do we want to be the ones who keep fueling the fire? Or would we rather be the ones who extinguish the flames and build bridges instead of burning them down?
Alright, let’s start from the beginning. Everything at this level has been made up... There are natural laws that work to explain logical and sometimes illogical phenomena, which can be scientifically explained. However, public education does not update itself in line with current research, mainly because there is no system in place to continually reassess and improve general knowledge in schools.
Let’s also consider all the debates of the so-called “learned” individuals – if we listen to all of them, they can confuse us so much that we lose the desire to dig deeper. Let’s be honest: all these "educated, learned people" often repeat someone else’s ideas and push them forward simply because they seem reasonable.
It’s incredible that soon we’ll be able to fly to Mars, and in some countries, doctors can perform surgeries remotely, from another country, thanks to digital technology. Not to mention artificial intelligence, which is already capable of detecting cancer faster. Technologically, as a civilization, we have achieved so much. Yet, the business aspect, driven by the pursuit of producing at the lowest cost, reveals greed and arrogance, leading to the exploitation of people living in the poorest countries.
Returning to the topic – everything on this earth, created by God, has been distorted by the hardened hearts of people, merely to print money. Those who consider the earth given by God to be "theirs" impose their will economically, forcing others to defend themselves against politicians who believe they are justified in acting supposedly for the good of the people.
The production of money for those in power, who print it, serves only to kill and conquer while convincing us that "it’s their right." They fabricate lies that are easy to spot – just look at how money is spent on spreading evil instead of supporting their own people.
Oh, those who shout "God, Honor, Homeland!" – they are just as guilty, allowing themselves to be deceived. But don’t they have a brain given by God? Who ever told you that you should destroy each other, living on this fabricated land, labeled for the sake of identification? Yes, it’s the land where your roots have grown, but it’s not your land – it’s God’s land. Everything you’ve invented through Him has been manifested and materialized. Isn’t that enough for you? God gave us everything we need to live. But isn’t it worth knowing moderation? Regardless of the color of your Brothers' and Sisters' skin, we are all made from the same clay.
People who are submissive to the current system run toward power and money, which is strongly promoted by the "educated" individuals who, over the past decades, may have pushed progress but have ultimately caused more harm than good. Yes, we live in the most comfortable times. However, evil is evident in actions such as the release of toxic viruses aimed at... the destruction of humanity. You! Me! Us!
This system, which was supposed to protect, was breached the day someone agreed to a strategy targeting people by introducing vaccines which – as facts now show – were intended to harm, not help.
Since we live in a democracy, each of you has a duty to the next generation: to read, question, and ask difficult questions – in a kind and civilized manner. Debates should be conducted respectfully, with anyone who has access to timeless knowledge. Yes, unfortunately, some statistics have also been manipulated or bought, but we must not allow ourselves to be misled.
We must, however, allow those who wholeheartedly follow God's path and seek to uncover the truth in places still unexplored. Such an approach should also be promoted in education and included in school readings every year. We are moving forward, striving to continue developing, challenging outdated laws of physics, and discovering new horizons of knowledge.
Take a look at your companies – what do they support? What do these companies invest in? Are they truly acting consciously for good in their operations? Do you ask questions, or do you prefer to ignore the topic? Yes, we still live in times when people prefer to turn away from the truth, willing to hand good people into slavery in prisons or label them as “mentally ill.”
And you, Christians, who go to church – do you truly read the Holy Scriptures? Do you delve into them? Do you want to understand your calling, your purpose, and find the answer to the question: why are you here? No, I’m not saying you shouldn’t make mistakes – because you must, to become better. But do you understand where the line is? Has anyone ever crossed it to the extent that, deep down, you know something is not right?
Does being a Christian mean going to church, or is it about delving into the Bible? Have you read Dostoevsky, Tolkien, Harry Potter, or any other book, but haven’t found the time to read the Bible in its entirety? Have you checked all its versions? Which one do you agree with?
Can you quote the Bible and have meaningful conversations with people of other faiths? Can you represent your faith in a dignified way? If you believe that Jesus is God and the Son of God, then you are His church – not the walls. You have the responsibility, in line with His principles, to build His kingdom and teach.
Is everything in the current church aligned with Christian faith? Do you invest your time and effort to improve it, or do you prefer to ignore the problems? Who told you that reading the Bible in Hebrew would take years? Have you ever tried? Do you realize you have access to all these resources?
Remember, we live in times when everyone has access to various scriptures and scrolls – read them all. As the Bible says, “Do not believe everything” – be skeptical, but keep an open heart and mind. You have time to watch Netflix, but no time for what is truly real?
Yes, we live in convenient times, where it’s easy to turn on the TV but harder to engage your mind – and yet your brain needs it to function and grow. Consider what happens to a person when they stop using their mind – do you really want to live on autopilot?
To those who prefer to stay in one place – remember that your limited way of thinking can be expanded through meditation and reflection. This allows you to better understand those who travel, learn, and experience in order to share important lessons. Open yourselves up. You can distinguish between those who show off and those who have real experience and want to share what’s meaningful for your hearts.
All the mental illnesses that arise because your soul can recognize lies that are nurtured – they can be healed. How? By surrendering all those negative feelings to reflection, by recognizing them, understanding them through suffering and pain. It is through this process of nurturing strength, derived from truth, that we find healing. Only turning to the path of truth can heal those who need it the most.
Everything can be healed naturally, supported by current, tested technology. However, any substances that push you toward the abyss must be immediately discarded. Healthy food – unprocessed and straight from farmers – should be our foundation. We should honor those farmers and do everything possible to help people return to the basics of food production. We must also eliminate all chemicals that harm not only us but also the soil.
When it comes to medicine – doctors, who place so much faith in your knowledge, I have a question for you: do all the medications you prescribe truly heal? If so, why do they have so many side effects? Are you certain that these treatment methods actually help, or do they worsen the condition of your patients? I hope you are fully aware of the responsibility that comes with your profession, because the commandment “You shall not kill” applies to you just as much, if not more, than to those who have directly taken a life.
While recognizing your educated knowledge, acquired through hard work and the use of your intellect, remember the moral and spiritual aspects of your calling. Be certain when prescribing medication, and don’t try to justify errors with poor education or lack of accountability from your teachers. Yes, everyone can make mistakes, but your profession is one of the most demanding, as even those who build rockets do not bear as much responsibility for human life as you do.
The same applies to pharmaceutical chemists. Let us pray for them, that God may open their hearts and minds to what they create. Every pill, every substance with the potential to harm and kill, will not go unnoticed on the Day of Judgment.
Psychologists and psychiatrists – even though psychologists do not prescribe medication, their sessions should be helpful, not harmful, driven solely by financial gain. Psychiatrists, be cautious when prescribing drugs that can destroy the mind, body, and soul.
Yes, there are individuals devoid of morality, often referred to as “psychopaths,” frequently harmed by others, most often by their own families. However, this does not apply to every individual. We must educate children in primary schools to avoid mistakes and not label healthy individuals, who are simply sensitive to various factors, with such terms.
Toxins in food, mold in homes, and drugs can cause various illusions and psychoses even in healthy and aware individuals. These factors must be acknowledged and not ignored for their impact on mental and physical health.
From childhood, we love to move – our energy and curiosity have driven us to explore the world. We used creativity to climb over walls, fly through the sky, cross oceans, and even circle the earth, testing what we could and could not do. Over time, we learned that what once seemed impossible becomes achievable through tools and technology.
And that’s how it should be.
Fasting – abstaining from food to cleanse yourself of toxins. Try it and see what happens to your body. If you can’t fast completely, do it gradually. What do you notice? Do you suddenly hear your intuition more clearly? That voice that has guided you and saved you more than once? Do a detox for your body, for yourself. Take care of your home, your body, your temple.
When God gave the sixth commandment, “You shall not kill,” it also encompassed respect for your body. In today’s world, addictions are everywhere – it seems like...
The worst addictions might seem to be alcohol and cigarettes, but are they really? What about social media? It imposes on young people the idea of what is “beautiful” today, forcing them into comparisons and making them feel as though they can never reach those “ideals.” It pollutes beautiful minds, destroying them from within, leading to anxiety and depression – sometimes to the point where someone chooses to take their own life.
Yes, we are dealing with various chemicals created in our minds as a result of toxic patterns and the pressure generated by pseudo-influencers. People introduce toxins into their bodies and then wonder where cancer or other physical and mental health problems come from.
The desire to look younger – only to impress others – makes us forget what truly matters. The soul begins to destroy itself from within, fed by the belief that it is imperfect. But remember: God does not make mistakes.
When it comes to addictions related to mass consumption – unhealthy, chemically processed food, but also feeding on negativity – we must understand that many of these patterns begin as early as the womb, as a survival mechanism. If your mind is fed with nonsense, it will become sick, regardless of how healthy your body may appear.
Have you noticed that some people look healthy but are still sick? That’s because what you feed your mind directly impacts your health. Negative and harmful thoughts, just like toxic food, are detrimental to your body.
Think of a flower: you water it, care for it, but at the same time, you curse it and send it bad energy. What will happen? That negative energy will cause the flower to die. The same applies to us – our bodies and minds need positivity, care, and harmony to truly flourish.
Yes, we must take care of our home – our Mother Earth – through cleaning and responsible actions. Everything on it has been given to us so that we can benefit from its abundant fruits, but we must act with care and respect for it. The same applies to animals. We must understand that just as diversity is a natural feature of nature, we as humans are also different and unique in our own beautiful, divine way.
Humanity was created as perfect and good, but unfortunately, things have happened that made us sinful. Yet we were given all the necessary attributes to overcome whatever lies ahead. Sometimes the experiences we wanted to have took place in the womb, lasted only a few minutes, or even years – but that was our choice. His time is far better, and His vision is unimaginably comprehensive. He knows, and trusting Him is the only way.
Jesus is the way. He is the bridge between Earth and Heaven, and only through Him can we reach our Father in Heaven.
We, humans, invented names for our nations, our first names, last names, streets, and even money – because that is the level of existence we are at. However, we have forgotten that communication and language were created to help us better understand our connection and relationship with our Creator and with all of our consciousness.
The experiences and lessons we go through help us climb to higher levels of existence. One of the most important lessons is the ability to distinguish between good and evil. Once you understand this, you will know what guides you and whether you are truly walking the right path.
Are you following the path of good or evil? This matters immensely, because the path of evil never leads to anything good – it leads to ruin, surrender, and is always short-lived. The path of good, on the other hand, lifts you up, gives you energy – a positive and infinite energy that reaches eternity.
That’s why faith in Jesus, the one who came to Earth with a map and compass for us, is proof of extraterrestrial life.
God, Jesus, and Mary reveal themselves to people, and those who believe in Him also believe in miracles. Yes, I know we live in times manipulated by sinful people guided by Satan, who is easy to recognize.
But remember – God always wins. Our Creator is invincible. He does not destroy what He has created in the way Satan wants us to believe. Satan presents death as something drastic, trying to convince us that God is evil. But God is love, and His ways lead to life and redemption, not destruction.
Seek Him, and you will find Him everywhere – He will reveal Himself to those who believe. At the end of your journey, both God and Satan will reveal themselves, and then you will know whom you served. Be certain that you served the One who created life, redemption, and immeasurable wealth – which is you.
His love for His children is unimaginably great. He loves you regardless of what has happened in the past. When you confess Him and walk His path, the past remains in the past. And if Satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.
If you’ve made it to the end of my post – congratulations! I hope the above text sparked curiosity within you and inspired the depths of your soul. I know you might ask: why do I connect God with politics, when it is politics that has dragged Him into its mechanisms? I will answer with what Jesus taught from the very beginning. Jesus was against religion as an institution, just as He was against taxes and the actions of the rulers. That is why He was killed. But let us remember – all of this was already foretold in the prophecies, and it had to be fulfilled according to them.
Yes, Christianity was later incorporated into theological studies, but people have always had the same problem: trusting the system and "great scholars" instead of checking, reading, and drawing conclusions themselves. My goal and mission in this post is to encourage people to read the Holy Scriptures, which were written by apostles and those who conversed with God.
Yes, there are people who understand these messages. Yes, there are angels sent by God on this earth, as well as prophets who remember their previous lives – these are not sick people but those chosen by God.
Everyone who has read the Bible and delved deeper knows that there are many scriptures and transcribed texts. But we have the time, resources, and access to these materials. I believe that if we join forces – we, Brothers and Sisters in Christ – we can find God in our daily lives, see His work, and hear that voice, also called intuition, which has saved us from difficult situations more than once.
The benefits of a spiritual connection with God lead to achieving happiness, peace, and diverse, true wealth. We must talk to God and follow the path He shows us. Yes, you have a choice in your life. I hope you choose the path that – although not always easy – leads to His love and lifts you to higher levels of divine harmony.
Father, who art in heaven,
You, who sent Your Son to create a bridge between earth and heaven,
Please surround this family with Your protection.
Show them the way and be their light.
Fill their hearts with peace, happiness, and joy,
and their minds with wisdom, so they may see Your presence in every moment.